Storia incompiuta di Samu


It was the 5th of July 2020, when a little boy was born in a rackety, old house on a small island in Scotland. It was a rainy day and thunder was screaming and shouting through the night.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, a lightning bolt struck the cottage. Unfortunately, the mother died. The child survived as well as his dad. It may seem sad but that lightning gave this special child a power, a magical power and this was, the ability to predict the future. His father decided to name him Bolb Bright and this is because he was struck by lightning and he was also a very clever.

Bolb, for the rest of his life, lived with his dad. His dad didn’t know either that Bolb had the power, so these two relatives of a family lived a normal life, except when Bolb got his milk from the cows instead of his mum! Then, it was time to go to  school where Bolb had a pretty nasty time. At the start it was quite good, he made friends who at the start nice, but  then came to bullies.

“Hey Tom! Do you know what I want to be when I’m ten?” asked Bolb.

“What?” shouted Tom.

“A kid who predicts the future!”

“Pa! Is that some kind of Joke? That’s ridiculous!” boasted Tom enthusiastically.

Bolb wasn’t very happy when he heard this and walked away.

“Well if I want to be a kid who can predict the future, then I can!” thought Bolb.

So Bolb walked off and sat on a nearby bench and watched all the children playing their brilliant games together.

Bolb wished in all his life that he could predict the future. “I will try!” whispered Bolb defiantly. Bolb stood up, closed his eyes and began to dream… TTTHRRRPPPPP! Bolb was suddenly transported to a magical world with smoke coming up from the earth like burning fire, flying up.

“Bolb, come here!” whispered a rather croaking voice.

“W…w..who’s there?” trembled Bolb.

“I can tell you what’s going to happen in the future. Because know, you are predicting the future!”

Bolb was so surprised he nearly fainted. He


Restare umani.

E’ morto Marchionne.

In questi giorni si è parlato mlto di lui in tanti modi. Qualcuno lo ha esaltato, qualcuno ha minimizzato i suoi meriti, qualcun altro ha osservato come la sua ambizione lo avesse portato ai livelli più alti a scapito però della sua vita affettiva ….. Quasi tutti sottolineavano come la morte poi metta tutti sullo stesso piano: poveri, ricchi, famosi e sconosciuti… tutte considerazioni condivisibili, ma io mi chiedo: e se non ci fossero uomini così ambiziosi da arrivare ai vertici?  Potrebbero esistere le grandi aziende?

La FIAT senza Marchionne forse non esisterebbe più e tante persone avrebbero perso il lavoro (molte di più di quante lo abbiano perso realmente).

In un mondo come il nostro c’è bisogno di grandi condottieri che sappiano tenere il timone delle grandi imprese e i loro guadagni stratosferici tentano di compensare quella parte di vita che il lavoro “disperatissimo” inevitabilmente toglie loro.  Il difficile per chi fa questa scelta di vita, avendone le capacità, è restare umani, non farsi travolgere dal successo e dal denaro e, da quel che ho sentito nelle parole di Marchionne  in occasione della sua ultima uscita pubblica (donazione di una jeep all’arma dei carabinieri), credo che lui ci sia riuscito.