Davide ha letto la storia del Titanic e ha scritto:
Canto una canzone per i morti/ del Titanic tanto grande e possente: inaffondabile/.
Il mio cuore addolorato affonda col Titanic/ e penso ai morti e prego/ che possano godere la pace del Paradiso.
Donna è Bello
Canta, o Venere, la storia di Narciso/ che con la sua bellezza attirava / le donne più belle, /ma lui le respinse tutte con estrema superbia/ lasciandole nel dolore e nella solitudine.
Narciso amava solo la sua immagine,/ ma la sua superbia fu punita da Giove:/ Narciso cadde nel ruscello/ in cui si stava specchiando/ e annegò.
In questi giorni sto coinvolgendo i miei nipoti, Samuele e Davide (13 e 14 anni), nella pubblicazione di loro composizioni su questo blog, che è nato proprio pensando a tutti i miei nipoti.
Davide si è scoperto poeta/filosofo e mi manda le sue riflessioni; Samuele mi ha mandato i suoi disegni: alcuni sono molto ben eseguiti, altri sono molto originali come tema e come impostazione. Ne
pubblico qui un paio, visto che, dopo averli aperti con Paint, la piattaforma di questo blog non mi consente di pubblicare gli altri.
Quanta gioia abbiamo sentito! / Quanta impazienza abbiamo avuto!/ Quanto abbiamo festeggiato il 2020!/ Mai avevo sentito tanta gioia!!
Festeggiammo senza sapere ciò che sarebbe accaduto…/oggi rimpiangiamo quel capodanno/ e la gente soffre a ripensarci.
Poi per le strade ho sentito sirene di ambulanze….
Notizie tragiche, persone malate, persone morte…
Fu impossibile avere una vita normale,/ fu impossibile vedere gli amici e i parenti.
Ma il virus non ci toglierà la fiducia e la speranza/ che saremo un giorno liberi da questa prigione.
Storia incompiuta di Samu
It was the 5th of July 2020, when a little boy was born in a rackety, old house on a small island in Scotland. It was a rainy day and thunder was screaming and shouting through the night.
Suddenly, out of nowhere, a lightning bolt struck the cottage. Unfortunately, the mother died. The child survived as well as his dad. It may seem sad but that lightning gave this special child a power, a magical power and this was, the ability to predict the future. His father decided to name him Bolb Bright and this is because he was struck by lightning and he was also a very clever.
Bolb, for the rest of his life, lived with his dad. His dad didn’t know either that Bolb had the power, so these two relatives of a family lived a normal life, except when Bolb got his milk from the cows instead of his mum! Then, it was time to go to school where Bolb had a pretty nasty time. At the start it was quite good, he made friends who at the start nice, but then came to bullies.
“Hey Tom! Do you know what I want to be when I’m ten?” asked Bolb.
“What?” shouted Tom.
“A kid who predicts the future!”
“Pa! Is that some kind of Joke? That’s ridiculous!” boasted Tom enthusiastically.
Bolb wasn’t very happy when he heard this and walked away.
“Well if I want to be a kid who can predict the future, then I can!” thought Bolb.
So Bolb walked off and sat on a nearby bench and watched all the children playing their brilliant games together.
Bolb wished in all his life that he could predict the future. “I will try!” whispered Bolb defiantly. Bolb stood up, closed his eyes and began to dream… TTTHRRRPPPPP! Bolb was suddenly transported to a magical world with smoke coming up from the earth like burning fire, flying up.
“Bolb, come here!” whispered a rather croaking voice.
“W…w..who’s there?” trembled Bolb.
“I can tell you what’s going to happen in the future. Because know, you are predicting the future!”
Bolb was so surprised he nearly fainted. He
Up here, in the air floating like a cloud, I
Lay flat down facing the remarkable sight.
My eyes bulging with excitement, happy as
Can be,
My mother and I lay flat in the sky.
I swiftly start clambering upwards to find myself in space, the beautiful sight up here, makes me
Joyful as god,
My mother and I lay flat in the sky.
I would love to stay up here but now I must GO!!!
TO my beautiful mother ( not at all old!) from her son, Sam Hogan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Samuele ha inviato questa sua storia a un concorso ed è stato premiato con la pubblicazione sul sito di Londonist.
Traduco in breve: Lyndon era un ladro e voleva diventare il ladro più famoso di Londra, ma, visto che la polizia lo beccava sempre poteva solo dire di essere il più grande “fuggitore” di Londra, non il più grande ladro.
Una notte con l’ aiuto di una fune si introduce nelle stanze della Regina per rubare i gioielli della Corona , ma poichè non aveva ascoltato le lezioni della maestra non sapeva che i gioielli della Corona si trovano nella Torre di Londra e non a Buckingham . Fruga dappertutto , ma trova solo un dolcetto alla marmellata. Sente dei passi e si nasconde nell’ armadio dopo aver indossato alcune cose prese a casaccio. La Regina entra e cerca il suo pigiama nell’armadio. Vede Lyndon vestito in modo buffo e con la bocca sporca di marmellata ..prima si arrabbia e poi scoppia a ridere e lo invita a prendere un tè. Insieme vanno poi in giro per Londra e Lyndon alla fine propone alla regina di sposarla , ma naturalmente lei rifiuta : è già sposata!!!. Lyndon , che non era stato attento a scuola , non sapeva che la Regina aveva già un marito.
Morale della favola: se vuoi diventare il più famoso ladro di Londra, ascolta la maestra!!!! 🙂
Lyndon was a thief and had a dream: he wanted to become the greatest thief in London because when he sneaked in a house the police found him but he could escape fast. He was the greatest escaper not the greatest thief, unfortunately.
So, one night, Lyndon thought to steal something in the Queen’s room, the famous Crown’s Jewels for example. (Lyndon didn’t listen to the teacher at school so he didn’t know that the Crown’s Jewels are not kept in the Queen’s room but rather in the Tower of London!).
Finally his brain convinced him to go and sneak into the Queen’s house in Buckingham Palace to TRY and find some jewellery. Before leaving he remembered to bring his rope that he stole. He set off to the Palace and with his rope he threw it up to the Queen’s window, which was open luckily, and climbed up. He searched the whole room but found no beautiful jewels. But he saw something that everyone would not ignore…DELICIOUS VICTORIA SPONGE!!
Suddenly, he heard some noise which went like this…tip tap tip tap. Lyndon panicked but he finally got an idea. He looked into the wardrobe and put on, a blue hat, a red dress, some black shoes, a magenta bag and last but not least yellow leggings. He took the sponge and closed himself inside the wardrobe and waited.
The Queen came into the room and she felt something was missing…Her pyjamas!! She went to the wardrobe and she looked inside and there was Lyndon with the messy sponge all over her beautiful clothes. At the beginning she was angry but then she laughed because Lyndon had so many different colours on and also a big mouth full of sponge and jam.
So she invited him to have tea. The next day both of them went on yeah the London Eye and see Big Ben. That one night Lyndon said “Will you marry me?” “Of course not! I’m already married!” “Oh I forgot”. (Lyndon did not listen to the teacher at school and did not know in fact so he was lying).
The morale of this story is…If you want to be the greatest thief in London, you should listen to the teacher!